
U.S. Senator John Boozman (AR) took to the floor of the Senate today to press for the "Cap, Cut & Balance Act" and to challenge the Majority and White House to present a debt ceiling plan of their own.

U.S. Senator John Boozman (AR) tackles questions from Arkansans about the debt ceiling negotiations, Cut, Cap & Balance Act and troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in the first episode of "From the Mailbag"

U.S. Senator John Boozman visits Comcast Newsmakers to talk about the need to rein in the excessive federal spending and pass a spending mechanism--such as a Balanced Budget Amendment--to prevent us from having a fiscal crisis on par with that of Greece, Portugal and Ireland.

U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) asks Dr. Joseph W. Glauber, Chief Economist of the US Department of Agriculture, how factors such as ethanol production, unratified trade pacts and the lack of a national energy policy are impacting the livelihoods of livestock producers at U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee hearing entitiled "The State of Livestock in America" on June 28, 2011.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator John Boozman today delivered a speech on the Senate Floor questioning the Democratic-led Senate majority’s inaction on budget proposals and desire to cut spending.

"It’s been nearly 790 days without the majority in this chamber proposing a budget and it appears the majority isn’t anxious to work on one. The majority-led Budget Committee has failed to meet this year to begin working on a resolution."

Boozman discussed the need for fiscal reform citing economic troubles in countries around the globe and the latest warnings by the Congressional Budget Office.

"Our nation’s debt will exceed the size of the U.S. economy by 2021 and will double the size of our nation’s GDP within 25 years. This is not the way I want to leave this country for my kids, grandkids and the people of Arkansas."

Boozman encouraged spending reductions and urged President Obama to "take tax hikes off the table" and get to work reining in the reckless spending. 

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator John Boozman today spoke on the Senate Floor in support of commonsense legislation that creates a business friendly environment to encourage job growth.

“In November, Americans gave a clear sign that job creation needs to be a priority. Unfortunately the Senate Majority and President Obama have failed to prove this is at the top of the agenda. Time and time again the Senate and our President add to the uncertainty that is stifling job creation. Commonsense legislation that would create the conditions for job growth is not brought to the floor,” Boozman said in the speech. 

Boozman encouraged passage of the REINS Act, the pending free trade agreements and a full repeal of the President's health care takeover.

WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator John Boozman took to the floor of the U.S. Senate today to call attention to how our national debt threatens America’s sovereignty. 

Boozman began his speech discussing the need to remain vigilant against international terror in a post bin-Laden world.  He continued from there to note that there is another major threat to our sovereignty and that is one that has been created here at home—our ballooning national debt.

Washington’s reckless spending has shifted almost half of national debt to foreign creditors.  Boozman’s speech focused on who these foreign creditors are, how they do not share our same value system, and why this puts our country in a very precarious position. 

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, spoke on the Senate floor in support of an amendment before the Senate to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating beyond the intent of the Clean Air Act (CAA). 

The amendment, offered by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), clarifies the law which the EPA is misinterpreting by regulating greenhouse gas emissions. 

“This amendment enables the EPA to focus on the important purposes of the Clean Air Act, which I strongly support. The Clean Air Act must be used to protect the public from harmful pollution. The Clean Air Act was not intended to address climate change concerns,” Boozman said on the Senate Floor. “We must make sure the EPA avoids politically-driven initiatives and becomes focused on its core mission, protecting air and water quality and preventing exposure to toxic contamination.” 

The amendment is based on the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011, legislation proposed by Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and cosponsored by Boozman that would prevent EPA bureaucrats from imposing unjustified and burdensome regulations on American job creators.

The amendment failed in a vote on the Senate Floor Wednesday evening.

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, welcomed Mike Malone, Northwest Arkansas Council President and CEO during a committee hearing on transportation priorities for the next surface transportation authorization. 

“Mike offers a unique perspective on transportation and infrastructure needs and the ability to successfully complete these projects. He truly understands the challenges of private transportation needs and working together in the best interest of the people, communities and businesses to facilitate improvements and developments in our infrastructure system,” Boozman said. 

Malone testified about the transportation needs of Northwest Arkansas and the need for an infrastructure investment strategy at the federal level. During his testimony, Malone urged Congress to enact a multiyear surface transportation reauthorization to help address looming infrastructure challenges. 

Malone also encouraged the Senate to:
- establish a program through which High Priority Corridors, like I-49 and U.S. 412, can finally be completed.
-support programs that invest in regional solutions to our nation’s transportation needs.
-ensure that fast-growing small- and mid-sized metropolitan areas will be eligible to participate in Federal transportation programs 

Maiden Speech

Mar 28 2011

U.S. Senator John Boozman delivered his maiden speech on the Senate floor. In his speech, Boozman called for the implementation of policies that force Washington to rein in spending.

"The only way will we get a handle on this situation is to reform the manner in which we budget and allocate federal dollars. It's time we put mechanisms in place to stop the government from spending beyond its means," Boozman said in his address.

Boozman also highlighted the unemployment in Arkansas and policies Washington needs to adopt to encourage private sector innovation and growth in order to create jobs for hardworking Americans. Emphasizing an environment that encourages job growth, Boozman pointed to efforts that helped bring the Mitsubishi Power Systems wind turbine plant to Fort Smith.